Dock Johnson – 22 | 5’9 | 170
I found “Dock Johnson” on the docks of Australia. Coming in on a friends boat the sound of the jackhammer on the dock was maddening.. looking over to see who was making the obnoxious noise I saw Dock Johnson… jack hammering away in full workman’s gear with a huge bulge shaking in his pants.
As we were loading the gear off the boat it was quitting time for the dockworkers and I saw my chance to see what Dock Johnson was all about.
Dock is 100% pure straight boy material. He’s 22 and has the naturally built body most guys would kill for. Dock Johnson is from a rough town in Wales and has a tough attitude. He likes his pussy and I’m gonna give it to him!
In coming weeks I’m gonna try and get Dock Johnson to drop his pants for a blow job. I’m also gonna try and film Dock Johnson fucking a few chicks. He’s a smooth operator and always gets the girl so stay tuned to see what Dock Johson has been up to. Do you want to see more of Dock Johnson? What do you want to see Dock Johnson do? Let me know and I’ll see if I can get Dock Johnson ot fulfill your request!
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